Monday, 13 January 2014


In any film making casting is key. The cast are the individuals responsible for making the idea or vision come to life. This is especially true with our idea. Our idea and storyboard is certainly not high concept or overly reliant on the visual. It is a British, independent drama/thriller that if it were to be made for real would most likely be constructed on a small budget. It is reliant on the acting performances to be successful.
For our young protagonist (Ethan Bailey), we had to find someone who is not overwhelming physically with an element of vulnerability. For this I came up with the idea of using my friend Jake who is small in height and has a history in acting having appeared in various West End shows and television. Knowing him on a personal level is something we also thought was important. Unlike on drawn out film productions, we are shooting for a single day. This is not enough time to establish a creative, working relationship. So for us it is important that we already know our cast on a personally so we feel comfortable directing them.
For the three bullies we obviously decided to go for individuals in the year above. This is so they are more physically imposing and have natural awareness of status. However, it was not simply a case of choosing the most intimidating looking people. We attempted to choose those who do Drama A level and therefore have experience in performing. The most important cast member was the girl bully as it is her reckless antagonism that carries the conflict. 
On reflection we are happy with who we have managed to get on board and had no trouble in doing so. We look forward to creating the sequence with their help.

Cast List

Ethan Bailey - Jake Pratt
Girl Bully - Elena Saleh

Bully 1 - Johnny Packer

Bully 2 - Owen Carey-Evans

Bully 2
Bully 1
Girl Bully
Ethan Bailey

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