Sunday, 10 November 2013

First Storyboard

After our initial production meeting, the group had following meetings in lesson time. It was at this point where Adam (teacher) would join us allowing him to offer his thoughts on the way the idea was developing. After telling him that we had settled on our political thriller idea based around a assassination, he immediately disagreed as he much preferred the idea following the life of a young, unsupported boy who is beaten up by a group of bullies on his way home from school in the opening sequence. We analysed the potential of this idea and where it could go and after lengthly discussion agreed that this is in fact the idea we will move forward with. The main reason is that Adam helped us to understand how first idea was very 'American' and could have easily been done before. Where as with the other idea, he felt it was much more a British idea and had more personality because of that. This is of course a huge change in direction but it is better to make it at this stage rather than further down the line.

After settling on a final idea, now came the task of starting to storyboard.  Storyboarding is a hugely important process that takes an idea from the brain into something of substance and gives everyone in the group some clarity. It took us approximately two hours to create our storyboard with pictures for each shot accompanied by a detailed shot description. This gave us a chance to work out our key shots and where we could include important elements such as music and slow motion. This is of course only the first draft and will almost certainly be subject to change, but I am glad that we have created a solid base for us to work upon.

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