Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Edit: 3

With all our footage synced, myself and Rachel started the process of making a rough cut of the video. We now began to cut together our footage into a sequence, closely following our original storyboard. This is a challenging process that takes time. Our video especially is difficult to edit due to the need to maintain the chronological order of the cuts, in order to avoid serious continuity errors. We encountered a few problems during this session, but this is largely due to having to adjust to the software and build up speed.

This is what we managed to achieve in roughly an hour and a half. Even at this stage we can see there is lots of things that need to be changed. In the shot of o Joe at 0.12 seconds, you can clearly see that the white balance for the Sony NX5 it was filmed on had been altered meaning it isn't coherent with the rest of the footage shot on the other camera. This is something that can be altered when the rest of the video has been edited. This is the case for a few of the shots in this clip and will be completely overhauled with colour correction near the end of the process.

Although the opening shots are clearly jump cuts as we intended, this is where we want the jump cuts to end so that it doesn't loose effect, becoming dull and unnatural. The fact that the video continues to jump cut at certain stages can be corrected with some simple filler shots in between. This will aid the pace of the video and make it run smoother. Despite having various things to continue working on as we go, I feel we are making positive steps by getting the edit under way. It is easy to procrastinate with the kind of process, but you simply have to get 'stuck in' and see what comes out. 

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