When reaching our fourth day of allocated time in the edit suite, we within the first 10 minutes of the lesson finished the picture cut for our sequence. This meant that all our shots were edited together in a formation that we were happy to move ahead with. Next came adding other layers to the sequence before it can be completed such as credits. Using the various credit listing that we have collated as a guide, we started assigning credits to many of our shots. This is a tedious process but it has to be done and it dramatically improves the professional aesthetic of the sequence. We noticed how the credits also made some of our walking shots so much more interesting. These were shots that we had previously considered cutting as we felt they didn't add anything to the sequence. The credit list gave these shots a purpose, and also some valuable screen time for the long list of names. By the end of the 5th lesson in the suite we managed to complete our credits and can now swiftly move on with the sound with the hope of having the sequence finalised before the end of the week.
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