Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Editing - Final Day

Today's editing session was completely intense, but worthwhile. Within the first ten minutes of the session we managed to sit down and correct the glitches that occurred during the last session. This involved resorting back to our rush bin and re-finding the sound clip that we had somehow misplaced. In the next 20 minutes we managed to entirely finish our thriller. This completion meant we had the picture and sound cut finished along with titles, and it was actually overdue as we realised we had been slightly obsessing over details recently. Now we had to find music. There is a lengthy walking scene in our thriller in which our protagonist makes his way home. Due to the lack of action it was always our intention to combine this with some music. For copyright reasons we had to use unsigned music so myself and Brandon started wading through CD's. This was very tedious. We had something urban yet slow in mind. As we could only find upbeat tracks we tried downloading them onto Final Cut and then slowing them down and even lowering the pitch to make it more serious. However, this made the track sound quite American which isn't what we wanted. After another half an hour of this we were out of ideas, feeling resigned that we wouldn't be able to find a track. For some inspiration on what we could do to resolve the problem we tried just watching over our thriller again. It was here we had a massive realisation that it video was actually 3:13 minutes in length as apposed to the standard 2:30 minutes. We discovered that we were going to have to make some cutting alterations anyway, and believed that if we did make the walking section dramatically shorter then there might not even be a need for music. As it was the end of the lesson we came back and looked at this again in the afternoon. We duplicated the thriller so that we could go back on changes if needed and then started chopping. Doing this wasn't a lengthy process and within 35 minutes we found ourselves with an almost entirely new thriller, that was much shorter. With it at this length we felt that music was not necessary but the walking was still long enough to build tension for the fight, jut as we had hoped. We had to make a few small title alterations as we couldn't be so excessive in who we credited as we didn't have as much space. But this all meant that we were now done!

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