Thursday, 25 September 2014

'Hard Days Night' - The Beatles

As a reference point and source of inspiration, I thought I would look at some of The Beatles videos. The Beatles essentially created the 'boy band' as a genre and were a global phenomenon. It is interesting to see that even in the 1960's when music videos were still a relatively new feature of the industry, comparisons can be made with them and some aspects of our idea. When discussing the extra element for the video, having decided that it was going to be footage of the band in a relaxed atmosphere enjoying themselves as friends, this made me think of the video for 'Hard Days Night' by The Beatles. This video shows the foursome stripped back, going around in their classically mischievous manor, while still maintaing their iconic look. Although our band wouldn't be chased by a hoard of adoring fans, I think it might be interesting to see them in a city environment like with this video. The video is of course more produced and conceptual than it may seem. Despite it being a dated image to create for band, I hope that we are bringing it originality with the way we are staging it and adding an element of satire. 

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