Thursday, 16 October 2014

Further Development With Ben

Today, I had a individual meeting with Ben. This gave him a chance to go over the song again in detail without being overshadowed by the rest of the band. We have already stressed to him the importance of looking convincing as he has a relatively large involvement in the video judging by our animatic. I also got the chance to discuss with him some of our creative ideas that will need some element of choreography, such as the shots in which the drums are brought on piece by piece. I told Ben that we want him to be playing fragments of the drum set as they arrive, before they are eventually completely assembled. We understand that this is difficult, but Ben seemed to grasp the idea and imagine the practicalities of actually doing it. This is something that may have to be devised on the shoot day when we actually have the crew and man power to practice it. Up until then , I told Ben to exploit the spare time that he has during the half term break and to practice the song daily on the drum set I know he owns at his home, and send me footage if possible so I can see how he gets on.  He assured me he will do this.

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